If your serpentine belt is starting to crack or the back side is worn smooth, you need to replace it. If you are hearing strange noises from the front of your 1986 to 1993 six cylinder gas engine, you will need to remove the belt to troubleshoot the problem. If you need to replace your belt tension or water pump the belt has to come off first.

Product Details
This is not a fun job on these engines but it is necessary. We see a lot of neglected belts and pulleys and it is probably due in large part to the fact it is not easy. Get the engine driven fan and clutch removed can be a real mystery if you are not familiar with the special tool needed and how to use it.
Kent will take you step-by-step through this removing the belt, replacing some worn pulleys, and installing a new one on a 1992 300CE coupe. You will get a chance to see up close the tools needed and some of tricks he used to get the job done a painlessly as possible.
Kent covers the following in this video:
- Level of difficulty
- Special tool required
- Checking the belt tensioner
- Steps to removing the engine driven fan
- Specifics on using special tool
- What to do BEFORE removing the old belt
- Loosening the belt tensioner
- Tools needed for the tensioner
- Checking the pulley bearings for wear
- Examples showing pulleys needed replacement
- Closeup with parts off showing how special tool works
- Replacing a worn idler pulley
- Removing and the fan clutch pulley
- Installing the new serpentine belt
- Adjusting the belt tensioner
- Tightening the tensioner center bolt with proper torque
- Replacing the fan and clutch
- Tightening the fan center hex bolt
- Replacing the fan shrouds
- When you will need to do this job
The video also covers the replacement of two pulley bearings Kent found worn on this engine. This includes the idler pulley and the fan clutch pulley bearing and housing.
PLEASE NOTE: This video does not cover belt tensioner or water pump replacement.
Total run time: 22:43
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Important note: This video manual may or may not include all the information you will need to troubleshoot and/or repair your specific problem/s. Please read the full description carefully to determine if this video is applicable to your year and model and contains the information you are looking for. If not, please refer back to our "Solutions Finder" and enter your chassis number and the specific problem you are having to see if we offer a solution.