Inside Door Related Problems
This is one area on an old Benz that really gets neglected.
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This is one area on an old Benz that really gets neglected.
Produced from 1984 to 1993 these lighter weight aluminum head engines replaced the venerable cast iron 616 and 617 engines of the 1970's and early 1980's. Theses engines were more powerful and more fuel efficient. They did have a few teething problems but have proven to be very durable as long as they are treated and maintained properly.
Fixing the many problems that plague these aging tilting sunroofs can be frustrating and time consuming. As you can see from his expression in the picture, even Kent can find it challenging at times. When these sunroof mechanisms are operating properly it is a pleasure to open, close and tilt the roof. When not working properly it can be a real pain.
Along with radiator neck failure, the rupture of one of the large oil cooler lines on your diesel engine can easily ruin your engine. When one of these lines goes you can lose all your engine oil in just a few minutes. If you are driving and not watching your oil pressure gauge you can destroy the engine bearings in short order.
Testing mechanical diesel fuel injectors is not difficult if you have the right tools and knowledge. When you do it yourself you KNOW the job will get done right and you can save big $$$. Kent has seen so many injectors damaged by "professionals" he is convinced if you want your injectors to be set correctly and without damage then do it yourself. No one cares as much as you do.
Let Kent explain how his solutions finder works: "Just select the location of the problem you are experiencing, the chassis designation of your car and a few key words and click Search. If I have written a description of the problem or one related to it, it will show up on the results page. The causes of the problem will be explained and all possible solutions we offer to diagnose and fix it will be listed.
You can learn a lot about your Mercedes by just browsing through all the problem descriptions I have written related to your model. My new solutions finder replaces our old benz aid forum and tech help page. Even if you have never work on your car before it is never too late to start. With the right knowledge, tools and parts you can do it.
If you can not find your problem listed for your chassis then it has not yet been written. I am working on and adding new problem descriptions weekly. I will be adding more content on the W140, W202, W210, and W220 chassis later this year. If you have a problem that has not been addressed, send it to me as a COMMENT through our contact page describing your particular problem. I will not be able to answer these requests directly, but I will add it to my list of problems to work on....the list is not getting smaller. :-)
There is nothing quite like the feeling you get when you can find and fix a mechanical problem yourself,
Kent Bergsma