Is it Possible to Fix Older Bosch D-jet, K-jet, and KE-jet Fuel Injection Yourself?
Yes for two reasons. 1. It is highly enjoyable when you do fix it yourself. 2, You might be hard pressed to find a knowledgeable shop that can fix it for you!
As the picture here illustrates ,it can all be a little confusing and overwhelming at times. Reading the many manuals on the subject often does not clear the "fog" So in September of 2022 Kent set out to produce a number of DIY repair kits with special tools and detailed video instructions that can help you troubleshoot Bosch D-Jetronic (1970 to 1975), Bosch K-jetronic (1976 to 1985) and Bosch KE-jetronic (1986 to 1993)