This easy-to-install kit could do wonders for your older diesel engine. The lift pump is almost always forgotten when it comes to maintenance on the OM616 and OM617 engines. If you are struggling with undiagnosed starting and power-related issues ( after adjusting the valves, checking compression, checking fuel injectors, and changing fuel filters ), repairing the pump that delivers fuel from the tank to the injection pump could possibly solve your problem. This is not a complete "overhaul kit." It will not fix internal pump wear or leaks. This is an internal check valve and copper washer replacement kit. If the check valves are not sealing, the pump pressure can be reduced, and you may experience difficult cold starts due to fuel "leak-back." Watch the video below as Kent explains more and shows what is involved in the job.

Product Details
Only the following are included:
- Genuine Mercedes check valves and springs and copper washers
- New lift pump to injection pump gasket
- Gasket sealant
- Three new locking nuts
- New primer pump copper sealing ring
- Razorblade to clean off the old gasket
- Video instructions by Kent
- Special short wrench
Here is the very short 10mm wrench now included. It is different from the one shown in the video as it is a full combination wrench. Kent found this after filming the video and discovered the box end is narrow enough that it can be used on some of the lift pump nuts. This makes this wrench the best bet for the job.
We recommend also replacing the hand primer pump unless you have done that recently. The Monark all-metal pump from Germany is the best in the world. See related products below: