If you own an older Mercedes sedan or wagon, it is a very good idea to remove all four door panels, repair components, clean drains, and, most importantly, lubricate all moving parts, as Kent explains in numerous YouTube videos. But, when you are done, you are looking at some very nasty, worn-out, and possibly torn plastic door liners. This is the time to replace them with a heavier mil and higher quality plastic. Watch the video below as Kent will give you a quick overview.

Product Details
The two plastic long sheets come close to being cut to the right size to save you the hassle of cutting big sheets of plastic. Be sure to watch the video instructions that come with this kit first, to learn the correct way to make your final cuts.
After installing the sheet, you can carefully trim the edges with the razor blades. You can use the tips of these blades to trim all the holes for the door clips. Kent prefers to use a small and inexpensive soldering iron to burn the holes. This is a faster and cleaner method.
PLEASE NOTE: The included instructions DO NOT cover the removal and replacement of the door panels. There are too many variables between the different chassis to cover all the details. If you do not know how to remove your door panels, Kent has produced a number of videos and manuals that will help you learn how to do this. See related products below.